On June 17th- 19th the Alabama APSE (Association of People Supporting Employment) and ACDD (Alabama Council on Developmental Disabilities) Conference was held in Mobile, Alabama. Professionals in the disability
arena as well as individuals with disabilities came together to not
only learn but have fun.
This year's conference featured a panel presentation featuring life
challenges- tragedies and triumphs -told from the perspective of
individuals with disabilities and their family members. Keynote speakers
were Jeff Steinberg, (With his distinctive style of humor and song,
reminded everyone that they are all a "Masterpiece in Progress"), Sue
Swenson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services, and Derrick Tennant (reminded us that while we
all face significant obstacles in life, each can be used as an
opportunity to become better and stronger. We have the choice to "Love
our lives".) Daily breakout sessions were very informative and
beneficial in educating service providers/stakeholders and those
involved in disability advocacy